Creating a new project
lein new app my-app
lein test-refresh
Test using spies to check for side affects
(deftest crappy-function
(let [calls (atom [])]
(with-redefs [some-namespace/some-function (fn [arg] (swap! calls conj arg) "I am really crappy")]
(is (= "I am really crappy" (crappy-function mock-function 3 5)))
(is (= @calls [{:a-key 3 :another-key 5}]))
Lein Try…
add plugin to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
My file is:
{:user {:plugins [[lein-try "0.4.3"]]}}
type lein try PLUGIN
lein try seesaw
seesaw list events
Run the repl in a seesaw project
(use '
(show-events (combobox))
Memorize example
(ns try.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str] )
(def stringA "all abc")
(def stringB "sadsdadsa abc")
(def stringC "@p1 abc")
(def stringD "@p2 abc")
(defn remove-particular-start-DONOTUSE
[input-string prefix-to-remove]
(println (str "CALL function:" input-string ":" prefix-to-remove))
(if (str/starts-with? (str/lower-case input-string) (str/lower-case (str prefix-to-remove " ")))
(subs input-string (+ 1 (count prefix-to-remove)))
(def remove-particular-start
(memoize remove-particular-start-DONOTUSE)
; remove-particular-start-DONOTUSE
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[& args]
(println "Start of app")
(println (remove-particular-start stringA "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringB "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringC "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringD "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringA "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringB "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringC "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringD "p1"))
(println "SECOND CALL")
(println (remove-particular-start stringA "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringB "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringC "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringD "all"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringA "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringB "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringC "p1"))
(println (remove-particular-start stringD "p1"))
(println "End of app")
) ;end of main function
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