Find Object Dependencies
Find what object reference a particular package
Swing Modal Action
Modal action in swing form
Make form implement the interface LongRunningSubActionInterface
Swing jList usage
Tricky setup of jList
Bash Common Tasks
Check number of Params
#Check the input paramaters are correct
if [[ $# != 2 ]]
JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE isn't available as a type in Oracle XE databases. This code back ports it.
These are replacement objects for JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE which isn't availiable in Oracle XE
This can be used in a create queue table statement:
List a parent request and all its children
Possible enhancements:-
Add Phase Code
Add Status Code
Add Detail Message
PLSQL XML code notesPrimary tabs
Output pretty xml
select XMLSERIALIZE(Document l_msg as CLOB INDENT SIZE = 2)
into l_tmp
XSL Transformation Notes
My notes on using XSL transformations
XPath for Empty
Contains no child nodes: not(node())
Contains no text content: not(string(.))
Contains no text other than whitespace: not(normalize-space(.))
Contains nothing except comments: not(node()[not(self::comment())])
Java - Notes on using an Oracle DB
DBMS output in calls
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//", "APPS", "asdasdasd");