Testing pymysql and SQLAlchemy connections to mysql
I setup a test amazon mariadb database to test how connections can occur using ssl
I setup a test amazon mariadb database to test how connections can occur using ssl
Outputing execption
I am working on a set of experimental microservices and I am using this common approach to address some common problems I have experienced with code versioning, API versioning and different 'environments'.
I have been thinking a lot recently about how microservice based approaches can work for me in resolving many of the problems I encounter. The trouble is there is a tonne of information on the subject and working out a clear definition of a microservice is not easy. I needed to work out what I think a microservice actually is. (See https://code.metcarob.com/node/245). To do this I want to build an experimental microservice to see how the technical challenges pan out.
** Bad Article ** - I am not an expert and sometimes when I read back a post they are not as useful to others as I thought. This ones bad because it’s really just a regurgitation of Spotify Method ideas, it’s still useful to me as this process is helping me cement my own ideas and plans. |
How I combine photos into one file to print
Prefix is ctrl + b
prefix -> c - new window
prefix -> w - choose from list of windows
prefix -> " - split horirzontally
prefix -> % - split vertically
prefix -> arrow - switch pane
prefix -> [ to go into copy mode, use arrows or page up and down, then use q to exit
import pytz
import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
Get a UTC datetime object from isoformat string
Generate a codefresh public/private key pair on catness
Project | Group Name | Artifact ID | Packages |
Dev Projects | metcarob.com.devplay | * | metcarob.com.devplay.* |
Java Common | metcarob.com.common | RJM_Common2 | metcarob.com.common.* |
Java Common