Plan for memset cloud

Submitted by code_admin on Sun, 07/08/2018 - 18:42

My plan for the new site…

Base on Ubuntu Server 18.04 longterm support
Memset offer
20GB Hard Disk

Content Types:

  • Basic Page - Deactivate and don't use at all
  • Article - for all my content (Quick Reference, Step by Step, Public Article, Useful List (With Web Bookmark), Work Notes (Like this page)


  • DONE Main Page View (Desc by date)
  • DONE Taxonomy Term View
  • DONE View for each article type (Desc by date)
  • DONE Test go to home button
  • DONE Add content link on each article type ( (
  • DONE Test search criteria
  • DONE Test HTML works (VueJS page)
  • DONE Ansible server creation process
  • DONE Logical database backup script
  • DONE Logical database restore script
  • NOT NEEDED Use common mysql root passwords
  • DONE Write first blog post
  • DONE Server build and deploy

After GOLIVE todo
- DONE Setup http to https redirect
- DONE Setup Cron maintenance task
- DONE Understand syntax highlighting
- DONE Encrypted backup generation to server location (dropbox or drive)
- DONE Sort out file upload and fix personal services
- DONE Won't do - manual catness backup instead Build gcloud container to sync encrypted backup directory with google drive
- DONE Won't do - I get sent email and download using filezilla, Manual catness download script - Auto generate local from google drive backups
- DONE Migrate all data from code2
- DONE Final backup of code2
- DONE WOn't do - block toggle module not on drupal 8 yet Install BrowseCAP module and optimize mobile view
- DONE Install module
- DONE DEV Remove SSL from Kong setup
- DONE DEV Remove SSL from code_site and change nginx config to be non-SSL
- DONE DEV Add forwarding to named hosts in code_site nginx config
- DONE DEV Add Service and Routes to Kong for code_site access and code_site_redirects
- DONE DEV Add Cert to Kong (for local cattness)
- DONE Create backup for postgress DB container
- DONE Deploy changes to server (including adding Kong entries for containers)
- DONE Reengineer letsencrypt process to give cert for kongadmin api
- DONE Work out why login button links is broken
- DONE Reengineer letsencrypt process to use kong cert apis
- DONE Preform backup
- DONE Make sure performance is good with kong to nginx setup on server
- DONE Create restore process for postgress DB container
- DONE Switch kong instance to run on port 80 and 443 inside container
- DONE Introduce a docker registry
- Setup to accept requests (nginx to rewrite)
- Issue - even with prune rebuild not working. I have to introduce a tag system
- Optimize display for tag term
- Make coder image favicon
- Remove code2 web site
- Remove code2 from old server backup
- Remove code2 database
- Plan next part of old server decommissioning
- Find way of directing to https

RJM Article Type
Work Notes