002 Set up Custom Oracle Application

Submitted by code_admin on Thu, 07/12/2018 - 15:46


This tutorial assumes you have the following prerequisites

Step 1 - Choose name

Choose a name for the custom app. By convention it must start with XX. In my case I am using XXRJM.

Step 2 - Create directory structure

Make the main directory (Check the APPL_TOP command worked)

  1. cd $APPL_TOP
  2. mkdir xxrjm
  3. mkdir xxrjm/12.0.0
  4. cd xxrjm/12.0.0

Create all the sub directories.

  1. mkdir ./admin
  2. mkdir ./admin/sql
  3. mkdir ./admin/odf
  4. mkdir ./admin/template
  5. mkdir ./admin/driver
  6. mkdir ./forms
  7. mkdir ./forms/US
  8. mkdir ./html
  9. mkdir ./lib
  10. mkdir ./mds
  11. mkdir ./mesg
  12. mkdir ./patch
  13. mkdir ./sql
  14. mkdir ./bin
  15. mkdir ./help
  16. mkdir ./java
  17. mkdir ./log
  18. mkdir ./media
  19. mkdir ./out
  20. mkdir ./reports
  21. mkdir ./reports/US

Step 3 - Add custom module to enviroment

Log in to the System Administrator responsibility, and goto Oracle Applications Manager -> AutoConfig
Click on Site Map then select AutoConfig
Under related links select Manage Custom Parameters and press the Add button
Fill in as follows:


Option Button
Applications Tier


Default Value

RJM Custom Application

Application for RJM's customizations


Press Next then finish to go through the rest of the stages

Step 4 - Run autoconfig for the applications teir

This step is diffrent on diffrent verison of Oracle. My version is R12. Load putty and log into the oracle user. (It should have the applications enviroment settings loaded)
Shut down oracle before running this command
Note: For this to work I had to run autoconfig with the DB tier up and the apps teir not running.

  2. adautocfg.sh

You can check this has worked by rebooting and typing the command

  1. echo $XXRJM_TOP

Step 5 - Setup Database for new app

Using putty log in to sqlplus as APPLSYS (same as APPS password) and run the following commands:
Create a tablespace

  1. create tablespace XXRJM datafile '/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/XXRJM01.dbf' size 500M

Create a user

  1. create user XXRJM identified by XXRJM
  2. default tablespace XXRJM
  3. temporary tablespace temp
  4. quota unlimited on XXRJM;
  5. grant connect, resource to XXRJM;

Step 6 - Register Oracle Schema

Register your Oracle Schema.
Login to Applications with System Administrator responsibility
Navigate to Application-->Register
Application = XXRJM Custom Application
Short Name = XXRJM
Basepath = XXRJM_TOP
Description = XXRJM Custom Application

Step 7 - Register Oracle User

Naviate to Security-->Oracle-->Register
Database User Name = XXRJM
Password = XXRJM
Privilege = Enabled
Install Group = 0
Description = XXRJM Custom Application User

Step 8 - Add Application to a Data Group

Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->DataGroup
Query back Standard data group.
Create a new record
Application: XXRJM Custom Application
Oracle ID: APPS
Description: RJM Custom Datagroup
Note: The Oracle ID is APPS not XXRJM

Step 9 - Create a custom Request Group

Create a request group for all the applications requests
Navigate to Security-->responsibility-->Request
Group = XXRJM Request Group
Application = XXRJM Custom
Code = XXRJM
Description = XXRJM Custom Requests

Step 10 - Create a custom menu

Navigate to Application-->Menu
User Menu Name = XXRJM Custom Application
Menu Type =
Description = XXRJM Custom Application Menu

Seq = 100
Prompt = View Requests
Submenu =
Function = View All Concurrent Requests
Description = View Requests

Seq = 110
Prompt = Run Requests
Submenu =
Function = Requests: Submit
Description = Submit Requests

Step 11 - Create a new responsibility for the app

Create new responsibility. Navigate to Security-->Responsibility-->Define
Responsibility Name = XXRJM Custom
Application = XXRJM Custom Application
Responsibility Key = XXRJMCUSTOM
Description = XXRJM Custom Responsibility
Available From = Oracle Applications
Data Group Name = Standard
Data Group Application = XXRJM Custom
Menu = XXRJM Custom Application
Request Group Name = XXRJM Request Group


Add responsibility to a user and test


In setting up this document I have refered to:

RJM Article Type
Work Notes