Creating Quasar app on github pages

Submitted by code_admin on Fri, 12/08/2023 - 09:06
  1. Create github repository (public) - has to be public for gh-pages. Actually it's a website - why private?
  2. clone it to local machine
  1. npm init quasar

I used Pina, Axios and no Vue-i18n (That's internalisation)
ESLint is prettier

I selected npm and said I will do it myself

  1. cd sitename
  2. npm install
  3. quasar build

Note: /dist is already in .gitignore

Committed all that to github

I ran quasar build. Made sure /dist/spa existed but wasn't committed to github

From Repo root

  1. git add -f dist/spa && git commit -m "Initial dist/spa subtree commit"

Note the -f option ignores the git ignore. Run without to see

To publish run
git subtree push --prefix dist/spa origin gh-pages

Create publish script ""

  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. git subtree push --prefix dist/spa origin gh-pages

In github options I selected delpoy from branch -> gh-pages

In configure domain I entered my domain. (Without www)

In DNS server set up A and AAAA records as per…

Add a single CNAME record for www pointing at

Once this is done the github check should suceed



RJM Article Type
Work Notes